“ERC in Italy: così gli scienziati fanno network” di Francesco Pasqualini, Tech4Future 18 gennaio 2021

Idea Concept Layout for Brainstorming and Infographic background with graphs sketches. A lot of hand drawn infographics and related design elements are included plus 3D glossy lamp.

La ricerca ad alto rischio, fondamentale per il futuro in molti settori, va sostenuta. Per questo l’Europa la finanzia mediante gli ERC. Ma per gli scienziati italiani è un percorso arduo: così è nata ERC in Italy. Ecco cos’è e come intende agire.

Categorie: Press

Members meeting – February 25, 2022

Our first online Members Meeting was held on February 25, 2022: following the meeting we have updated our Statuto and we have been admitted to the Italian Register of Non-Profit organisations (RUNTS), this will enable us to receive 5×1000 private funding.

Categorie: Events